The Bellemont Music Ministry is alive at our church! We have an active adult choir that meets most Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm and we invite anyone who would like to join us to praise God through sharing our music with others.
God has blessed us with many talented people who share their music with us during our special music portion of our worship service.
We begin each Sunday morning service with a group of dedicated singers who lead our congregation in singing praises to our Lord.
We are blessed to have a contemporary Praise Team, Words of Wisdom (WOW), who share their wonderful music with us from time to time. This group features vocalists accompanied by guitar, bass guitar, electric keyboard, piano and drums
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7 NLT
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Bellemont Methodist Church has an Outward focus and approach to Ministry.
We wanted a fast, secure website with professional features. We chose Take Charge Media for all of our website design, security and maintenance needs.